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Q: Where Greeks rich or poor in there days?
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What did the ancient Greeks eat from?

well,the rich greeks ate from golden plates and the poor greeks probably ate from plates made out of stone

Types of housing in Greece?

There is all kinds of Greeks poor and rich Greeks so it depends on the house the poor ones live in a house by mud and stone and the rich ones like in a apartment.

What is the difference between poor and rich peoples houses in ancient Greece?

The poor house doesn't have some fancy rooms and the rich house has bathrooms , kitchen and lots of other stuff the poor Greeks don't have

What kind of jobs did the early Greeks have?

if they were poor usually traders or farmers but usually slaves. if they were rich soldiers or military people

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Discrimination between rich and poor class?

Discrimination based on wealth can lead to inequality in access to resources, opportunities, and social power. This can perpetuate cycles of poverty for the lower class and reinforce advantages for the upper class. It is important to address these disparities through policies and initiatives that promote equity and social inclusion.

What kind of material did the Greeks use to make-up?

The rich people used silk, and the poor/middle class used cotton or something

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Rich And Poor.

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rich and poor

Is Honduras a rich place to live in?

It is rich and poor . It is rich and poor .

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Neither, not rich or poor.

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who knows the lady can be rich or poor who knows the lady can be rich or poor who knows the lady can be rich or poor