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Jewish people have had a history of being persecuted since the beginning of time, first by the Egyptians in 3000BC, then throughout the ages and lastly during WWll, they and to fight for their own homeland which was finally established in Israel in 1948, even now in 2010, there is still more trouble brewing with their neighbours and so it goes......

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12y ago

WW2 as in WW1 Hitler was not able to Prosecute Jews because of his military status, he was only a messenger through the battlefield (a very dangerous job).

Yet in WW2 he was very high up in the military status therefore he was able to Persecute Jews.

He was a prick, I know that. =)

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Q: Where Jewish people persecuted berfore World War 2?
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Jews were persecuted in World War 2 by Adolf Hitler.

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I wouldnt use the word racist, they were discriminated against. This is similar to racism but it means they were treated differently to everybody else. During the second worls war Adolf Hitler prosicuted the Jewish population and killed them off. Aproximatly six million were murded but being gassed. He did this simply because he had the power and he didnt like them. He felt they were to blame for the loss of world war one. Silly really.

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The Jewish people in Germany still mourn the loss of their friends and family, even now. World War II was devastating for the Jewish people in Germany.

How many people in the world today are Jewish?

It is estimated that there are around 14-15 million Jewish people in the world today.

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