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Q: Where The Southeast Asian countries able to resist European imperialism?
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What countries were able to resist imperialism?


Why were most African countries unable to resist European imperialism during the Scramble for Africa?

African military forces focused on fighting one another rather than European armies.

Anticolonial movements like the Congress Party in India and the Young Turks agreed on what?

Answer: the need for reform in order to resist European imperialism

Why were east African's too weak to resist European countries?

European countries had far move advanced weaponary and technology than the Africans had.

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Why did European countries resist African colonial nationals?

They were afraid they would lose their supply of natural resources.

Why European countries resist African colonial nationalism?

They were afraid they would lose their supply of natural resources.

What ways was America like European imperialist countries?

Answer 1There are really no similarities between American and European imperialism. The situation was different in every way, including acceptance, size, time, and economic importance.Answer 2US Imperialism was actually very similar to European styles of imperialism. In both cases, the Western nations extended political authority over other pieces of land and demanded the subservience of the occupied peoples. (In the US case, we have the Philippines, Cuba, and Hawaii.) In cases where the indigenous population was able to successfully resist, economic and social controls were imposed to the extent possible (In the US case, we have Japan and China.)

Which factor most contributed to African countries' failure to resist European imperialism during the Scramble for Africa?

African countries had been economically devastated by the Atlantic slave trade.

Did the Ottoman Empire resist the European trade and culture?

The Ottoman Empire tried to resist European Trade and Culture but were not terribly effective in doing either, especially at resisting European Culture.

How did Japanese leaders attempt to resist European encroachment?

They only had their ports open for certain countries.(I'm only in 7th grade so I just learned this)

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The Indian groups decided to resist their removal by using force and fighting back. They started a few wars.