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Ahmad is another name for the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. It's mentioned in the holy Quran once in the verse nomber (61:6)

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Q: Where ahmad name used for hazrat Muhammad?
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Hazrat means respect and is placed before the name of respected people, such as the Prophet Muhammad (S), the Sahaba of the Prophet (Radi Allahu anhum), and sometimes the name of the family members of the Prophet (Radi Allahu anhum). However, this term is only used mainly by Turkish, Pakistani, Iranian, and Bengali Muslims, and is never used by Arabs.

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Where did Muhammad go when he had the dream about he is the prophet?

Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (May peace and blessings of Allah Karim be upon him) used to meditate in the cave Hira when he was about forty years of age. During his meditation in the cave Hira, Hazrat Jibrail (AS) came to him and informed him that he was a prophet. After this revelation, Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (May peace and blessings of Allah Karim be upon him) went home and told his kind wife, Hazrat Khudija (RA) about this incident. She immediately confirmed his prophethood and took him to Warqa bin Nofil who had faith in Hazrat Masiaha (AS) and was a scholar of Christianity. He also confirmed that he was the promised prophet and foretold that he would be exiled from Makka.

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Ka'aba was re-built by Hazrat Abraham (AS) and Hazrat Ismaiel (AS). Hazrat Abraham (AS) was commanded by Almighty Allah to announce to the people of the world to come to Ka'aba to perform pilgrimage. Thus Ka'aba was used as a place of worship and Hajj even before the the Last Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (May peace be upon him) started preaching Islam.

What is the name of horse which was used muhammad for going from makka to madeeena?

The name of the horse that Muhammad used to travel from Mecca to Madeena is not known.

Is Ahmad Rashad Muslim?

Yes because ahmad is a commonly used Islamic name and it is one of the many Islamic names

How did Prophet Muhammad learn that Allah had chosen him as a prophet?

Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) by nature was against idol worship. He was famous for his honest and truthful dealings even before he started teaching Islam. At the age of forty, he used to break away from home and society, and meditated in the Cave of Hira. During his meditation period, one day Hazrat Gabriel (Jibreel AS) came to him and delivered the first message of Almighty Allah. He came home and told his beloved wife Hazrat Khudeejah (RAU) about the incident. She took him to his Uncle Warqo bin Nofil who was a Christian scholar and knew that the birth of the last prophet was awaited. He said that it was the Arch Angel Gabriel who had come to Muhammad (SAW). He also prophesied that the Makkans would force him to flee from Makka. Thus the arrival of Hazrat Jibreel (AS) and the first verses of the holy Qur'an revealed this fact to Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) that he was a Prophet.

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Grandfather name of Muhammad Ali Jinnah was 'Zuljinnah' , historic name of horse used by Hazrat Hussain a.s in Karbala. Parents of grandfather of Muhammad ali jinnah hold a manat (urdu word) that if they will get a son they will give him name of 'zuljinnah'. This family followed ismalia shia islam from origin but later they started practising twelver shia islam. Reference: from Asif shah ramadan lec Regards.Syed Wajid Ali SHAH, United Kingdom

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Muhammad is the most popular name in Islam