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They are located on specific similar cells such as inside the ear or on the back of fly where you need a pattern. So it also too has a ligand binding pathway but it in doing so when it activated gene transcription in the cell it also gives planer cell polarity through the dishevelled protein complex. DIX PDZ DEP are all activated DIX PDZ activate gene and PDZ DEP activat polarity through the JNK or rho actin pathways.

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Q: Where are Polar cell bodies located?
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Is the polar body a haploid cell?

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What do polar bodies become in meiosis?

The polar bodies will generally degrade after oogenesis. The polar bodies don't have enough resources (cytoplasm) to make it all the way to a mature oocyte. it is actually dies flippin numskull

Where are the cell bodies for the second order neurons located?

Second order neuron cell bodies reside in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord.

Why do polar bodies form?

Polar bodies are formed after each meiotic division. In human oogenesis you will form two polar bodies because there is only two meiotic divisions.

In animals polar bodies are formed as a result of what?

it is the result of meiosis 1 from femals

What happens to the polar bodies as a result of oogenesis?

only what cell develop into egg cell, reproduce cell

How many cells are formed during meiosis?

When a primary oocyte divides via meiosis, it produces a single egg cell and two to three polar bodies. The egg gets almost all of the cell's cytoplasm, while polar bodies get the excess chromosomes. The extra cytoplasm in the egg provides nutrients for the developing zygote. Polar bodies and their unnecessary extra genetic material are discarded.

Where cell bodies of relay neurons located?

They are located within the spinal cord, specifically, they are found in the gray matter.

What is the name of clusters of cell bodies that are located outside the central nervous system?

The answer is glia

Are motor neuron cell bodies located in the gray or white matter?

gray matter