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There are many holes in the ozone layer, the largest is above the south pole.

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Q: Where are all of the ozone holes located?
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Where are the holes of ozone layer?

There are holes over the poles. These holes are lowered concentrations.

Location of holes in the ozone?

The 2 holes are over poles. They are not actually holes.

Where are the two holes in the ozone layer located?


Did ozone holes happened seasonal?

Yes they do. The ozone hole is mainly located in winters.

What are holes in ozone layer?

The holes in ozone are not actually holes. They are lowered concentration of ozone.

Why are the holes in the ozone layer located over the poles?

The depletion of ozone required very less temperatures to initiate. Since they are present at the poles so the ozone hole is located over the pole.

What are holes in the ozone layar?

The holes in ozone layer is the thinning of ozone. It is caused by CFC's.

What does ozone depletion lead too?

Ozone depletion leads to ozone holes. These ozone holes are present over the poles.

Where is the hole in the ozone located?

The hole in ozone is located over Antarctica. It is because of the low temperatures there.

Why do you have holes in the ozone layer?

Holes in ozone layer is the thinning of ozone layer. It is because of use of ODS by humans.

Where are the ozone holes located at?

Ozone layer has many holes in it. However it has a considerable major hole in it above Antartica continent. It is formed due to CFC gas. Beacuse of the hole there is an increase in the temperature of earth.

How are the ozone layer holes caused?

Ozone holes are the thinning of ozone molecules. This is caused by man made or natural processes.