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There aren't any now. They were part of the island promotion prior to the release of Big Nate Island.

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Q: Where are all the postcards from big nate island on poptropica?
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Where are all of the comic papers located on poptropica?

Big Nate Island

How do you get a pack of gum on Poptropica?

all you have to do to get a pack of gum is: on Big Nate Island you have to collect all of the big nate comic book pieces.

Are there any cheats for Big Nate Island in Poptropica?

Big Nate Island was the eighth island of Poptropica. It is the only island to feature interactive characters who are NOT drawn in the Poptropica style. All of the people in the game are from the comic strip "Big Nate" by cartoonist Lincoln Peirce. The costumizer does not work on Big Nate Island.----------Technically, there are no "cheats" on Poptropica, because the games are played on the site's servers and cannot be affected by programming changes.However, there are special items and effects available using the existing programs. And various sites including WikiAnswers provide hints and solutions to Poptropica games.-----------(see the related questions)(or type Big Nate in the ask bar to see all questions)

Where do you find all the comic on the playground do you get a comic in the fort for big nate's island in poptropica?

no there isn't

How do you get on detenton on poptropica on big nate island?

all you have to do is use the gum you have and you will automatically get detention by one of the teachers.

You have all the pieces to the comic on big nate island on poptropica exsept the last one were is it?

Donny nowmyfjluiluiTurkicJogjakarta

Where do you get bubblgum on Big Nate Island on Poptropica?

I do know where but would rather tell you how.Simple.All you do is get all the comic pieces.

Where are all the comics pieces on big nate island on poptropica?

There are nine places where the puzzle pieces exist on Big Nate Island in Poptropica. These are the in the comic store, in the school, in the pop-in shop, on the phone pole, in the science lab, on the wood tower, in the photo shop, in the playground, and on the lighthouse.

What are the steps to completing Big Nate island in poptropica?

collect all the comic strips first: click on the fastener. Voila!

Poptropica where do you find the chewing gum?

In big nate island, find all the missing comic pieces and then give it to the guy who wants it.

How do you get the paper out from under the rock on Big Nate island in poptropica?

You have to move the seal that is on the right all the way to the left and just click on it

How do you see all the big nate characters on poptropica?

To see all the big nate characters in poptropica you need to know where they are located: nate- see him when you start the island gina- outside the school ms godfey- in school mr rosa- puffin point jenny- in school artur- in storage cupboard francis- science lab teddy- main street when island completed dad- pop in shoppe