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Arterioles are small diameter vessels that branch off of your arteries. They inevitably connect arteries to capillaries. You can find them pretty much anywhere in your body

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Q: Where are arterioles located?
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Where is blood located before it reaches the capillaries?

Arteries or arterioles

What Blood vessel located between afferent and efferent arterioles?

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Why are there more arterioles in mammals than main arteries?

Arterioles carry bloo, under lower pressure than arteries, from arteries to capillaries. They also control the flow of blood between the two. In mammals main arteries are located primarily in and around the heart, whereas arterioles connect these to the capillaries

What blood vessel connects arteries to capillaries?


What are cardiovascular adadptions?

incorporations of father arterioles by daughter arterioles

What happens to arterioles when the body temperature falls?

I have same question It happens a dilation of the arterioles.

Do arterioles have valves?

No; arteries (and arterioles) depend on smooth muscle contraction, whereas veins (and venules) have valves.

Structure and function of arterioles?

The function of arterioles is to draw blood away from the brain and into harry bush's penis.

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Do muscular arteries branch into arterioles?

Yes blood passes through Elastic Arteries, Muscular Arteries, and then Arterioles.

Contraction of the smooth muscle in arterioles would decrease blood pressure?

No it would increase BP, as contraction of the smooth muscle in the arterioles will make the lumen (holes) of the arterioles smaller, restricting blood flow.