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Stratum corneum

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Q: Where are flat cells and dead bags of keratin found?
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Which cells are flat dead bags of keratin?

S. corneum - all or mostly dead cells cells are dead, flat, "bags" of keratin

What ar nails made out of?

They are made out of keratin. Keratin is made out of dead cells packed real tight.

What is a finger nail made of?

dead skin cellsDead cells. Hair is also made out of dead cellsThe same material your hair is made out ofThey are made out of keratin. Keratin is made out of dead cells packed real tight

What cells are mostly dead and filled with protein called keratin?

Hair cells

What is the job of the keratin?

Keratin is a protein responsible for the hardening process(keratinised) that cells undergo when they change from living cells with a nucleus to dead cells without a nucleus.

What are dead cells filled with keratin that develop from follicles in the skin?

nicolas cage

What layer of the skin is composed of dead squamous cells filled with keratin?

papillary layer

What kind of cells is the epidermis made of?

The epidermis consists of stratified squamous epithelium cells. These cells in the epidermis are dead cells surrounded by the protein keratin.

What protein is found in the skin hair and nails?

Nails are made of up the protein called keratin, which is a tough and insoluble structual protein. It is basically dead skin cells.

The epidermis is filled with?

Mainly dead epithelial cells consisting almost entirely of the protein Keratin.

What is the importance of keratinization?

Keratin is an extremely strong protein which is a major component in skin, hair, nails, hooves, horns, and teeth. The amino acids which combine to form keratin have several unique properties, and depending on the levels of the various amino acids, keratin can be inflexible and hard, like hooves, or soft, as is the case with skin. Most of the keratin that people interact with is actually dead; hair, skin, and nails are all formed from dead cells which the body sheds as new cells push up from underneath. If the dead cells are kept in good condition, they will serve as an insulating layer to protect the delicate new keratin below them,

Is the toe nail dead skin?

Yes it is. So is your hair. They are made up of dead skin cells that have been filled with keratin.