

Where are leopard geckos often found?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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The Leopard gecko, is a nocturnal ground-dwelling gecko, naturally found in the deserts of Southern Central Asia, from the southern parts of Afghanistan, throughout Pakistan, to the northwestern parts of India.

answered by: ~nikki~ =)

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When was the first leopard gecko found?

leopard geckos

Where are most leopard geckos found?

In the middle east

How often do leopard geckos cages have to be clean?

Twice a month.

Where do jumbo leopard geckos come from?

There are now such things as jumbo leopard geckos. The correct name for the morph is giant or super giant. If your talking about the ones at petsmart then that's a different story because they call them jumbo leopard geckos when they are actually regular size ones. They just want your money.

Are leopard geckos endandered?

If there so commonly found as pets would they be endangered? No!

I own a leopard gecko What can I use as the flooring for his tank other than newspaper and sand?

For Leopard Geckos, you can use reptile carpet, tiles, and flat stones. Do not use sand for Leopard Geckos as they often accidentally ingest it and can get impacted.

Can crested geckos be kept with leopard geckos?


Can you keep leopard geckos with Madagascar day geckos?

This is some reasons a leopard geckos and Madagascar day geckos can't live together: #1: Madagascars have a different environment than leopard geckos. Madagascar day geckos live in tropical conditions and leopard geckos live in desert conditions. #2 they would be fighting because they are territorial.

What are the most common species of Gecko?

The most common type of house pet of the gecko is the leopard gecko and other geckos

Why can geckos live in the dessert?

A gecko lives in the warm regions on our Earth.There are so many species of geckos in the world. Some examples are - crested, leopard, golden, and tokay. The most common geckos sold in commercial stores are the leopard, crested, and house. Leopard geckos are found in the deserts of Pakistan, western India, Afghanistan, and Iran. Crested geckos are found in New Caledonia, which is a tropical island by Australia. The house gecko can be found in southeastern Asia and in northern parts of Africa. Some geckos are tropical and some are desert species - it just depends on what kind they are. Those are the main types of geckos.

Are leopard geckos poisonious can you tell by there eyes?

NO - Leopard geckos are not venomous. The shape of their eyes is no indication.

Can leopard geckos eat chicken?

Leopard geckos cannot eat spinach, but they can eat crickets, meal worms, superworms, are all great choices leopard geckos like varity so change it up!