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Q: Where are most oral medications absorbed?
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What patients with spasticity can benefit from oral medications?

Oral medications are typically most useful in patients with mild, widespread spasticity, or those for whom sedation is not a problem.

Most oral medications are intended for absorption in the?

Type your answer here... Stomach

Are most drugs given in oral form absorbed from the large intestine?

Most oral drugs or drugs taken by mouth travel to the stomach or intestine where they are absorbed into the bloodstream. These drugs are not effective or useful until they are absorbed into the bloodstream where they are transported to the organ or desired receptor.

Why does a medical patch allow medicine to dissolve into the bloodstream faster than a pill that is swallowed?

Oral medications have to go through the liver for a first pass...before they hit the bloodstream. Patches' medications are absorbed directly through the skin so they bypass the liver.

Why do some medications have plastic coatings?

Some medications have plastic coatings so that the medication itself is more slowly absorbed by the body. Without the coating, some medications can cause stomach problems if absorbed too quickly.

What are the most common diabetic medications?

Diabetic medications fall in three categories: oral diabetes medications, insulin, and other injectable medications. The following web page has a list of common drugs that may be prescribed for diabetes:

Is any drug absorbed in stomach?

Medications are absorbed in the stomach when taken by mouth. They are absorbed into the bloodstream if they are injected or inhaled.

What is the minimal amount of fluid offered with oral medications?

8 oz

Can you take by mouth methotrexate injection?

No, the injections are made differently than the oral medications. If you are having a hard time giving yourself the injections, they do make methotrexate in a pill form. You can ask your doctor to switch what type you are on.

Should worms be alaive after getting shots?

Most shots are not given to treat parasites and will have no effect on them. Typically worms (parasites) are treated with oral medications.

When the nurse is assessing a new patient in a clinic which medications would be of most concern?

the patient has severe asthma and requires frequent therapy with oral steroids

What illness is Glyburide used to treat?

Glyburide is one of two oral medications, the other being metformin, used to treat type 2 diabetes. As of 2003, glyburide is the most popular class of medications known as sulfonylureas.