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Glucose is the main simple sugar in all plants andanimals. The chemical formula is C6H12O6, which is six carbon atoms, twelve hydrogen atoms, and six oxygen atoms. It is produced in plants by a process called photosynthesis. In this process, plants take ground water and sunlight as materials and energy for glucose production, causing the plant to grow. In animal glucose production, the word "glucose" is changed to "glycogen", and the production starts with breathing. Oxygen is taken in, and the many cells of the animal's body use this oxygen to operate, move, copy themselves, and produce DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). The glycogen comes from the DNA and RNA (ribonucleic acid) in the respiration process.

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Q: Where are simple sugars produced in plant cells?
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Where are the sugars produced in a plant?

Chlorophyll takes energy from the sun and combines carbon dioxide and water to make sugar. CO2 + H2O----C6H12O6

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What are the end products produced by a plant in photosynthesis?

The end products produced by a plant in photosynthesis are oxygen and high energy sugars.

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By Plants.

What moves the sugars produced by plants?

Sugars are the food of plant. Food is trans located through phloem tissue.

What does a plant use sugars for?

The simple sugars are most easily stored as starches, and the breaking down of these starches is what releases the energy the plant needs to survive. Actually, it is necessary to store the sugars in some insoluble forms, you know a soluble form of sugar cannot be stored in cells since it imbalances the osmoticum of cells. Starch is insoluble and more stable, so plants prefers to store the sugars in the form of starch converts to sucrose and other soluble sugars whenver needed.

What do chorloplasts do?

They produce sugars and starches in plant cells through photosynthesis.

The part of the plant that transports sugars produced by photosynthesis to the non-green parts of the plant is the?

The Vascular Bundles.

Where do plant cells store their dissolved materials such as salts and sugars?

The Cell Wall