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The sexual organs are located near the rear of the bird. Both male and female birds have a sexual organ that is called the cloaca.

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14y ago

I wasn't aware cockatiels (or any parrots, for that matter) had external sex organs. Aren't they internal for both males and females, inside the cloaca?

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Q: Where are the external sexual organs of male and female cockatiels situated on their bodies?
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Can female cockatiels whistle?

They can, but it is the males that are more likely to learn to whistle.

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Lutino cockatiels are a colour not a gender. However, it does happen that because of the genetics and chromosones they are most often female although there are some males lutinos around (or there wouldn't be any left.)

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Yes, that's how you get more cockatiels.

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External!External fertilization takes place in fishes. This means that the sperm cell of a male is linked together with the egg cell of a female in the external bodies of the individual fish.

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No. Macaws are bigger. Cockatiels are only 12 inches long, and their bodyshape on slender. Smallest macaw, Red-Shouldered Macaw, is about the same lenght, but is much more sturdy, and has lot bigger beak.

What is external fertilizer?

It is when an egg is fertilized outside the bodies of the ones reproducing. So the eggs are fertilized after they are laid.

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All of the organs of a female are internal. I'm not quite sure what you mean about external?

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The mammary glands are an external female reproductive organ.

Are almonds okay for a cockatiel?

Yes, cockatiels love almonds. They have calcium and protein. If you have a female cockatiel feed her these when she is laying eggs.

Where are polar bodies made in male or in the female?

Female body