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Most border cities such as Tijuana, Ciudad Juarez, Nuevo Laredo and Matamoros have maquiladoras. There are also some of them in northern cities a bit more south of the border, such as Mexicali, Chihuahua, Hermosillo or Monterrey.

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The name has meaning mainly in the US/Mexico border area.

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Q: Where are the maquiladoras of Mexico located?
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What is the name of a foreign factory in Mexico?

They are called maquiladoras.

What is the economic region in Mexico where maquiladoras are located?

The northern region, taking advantage of tax incentives and closeness to the US-Mexico border.

What are foreign owned assemble plants called in Mexico?

They are known as maquiladoras.

Where is the largest number of maquiladoras?


Are maquiladoras large communal farms in N Mexico?

False. Maquiladoras are manufacturing or assembly plants.

Are the maquiladoras in northern Mexico more of an asset or a liability to the communities in which they are located?

They are more of an asset, as they allow the creation of jobs.

How commercial assembly plants are in Mexico?

Maquiladoras qualify as such.

What types of goods are being produced in maquiladoras along the US-Mexico border?

They are known as maquiladoras.

What is the role of Maquiladoras in globalization?

Maquiladoras are factories in Mexico that operate in a 'trade free' zone. They import parts or key components of products from other countries. When the components arrive, the workers at the maquiladoras assemble the products so they can be exported to global markets.

What are foreign owned assembly plants in Mexico?

They are known as maquiladoras.

Why is tijuana so important in Mexico?

It is the 7th largest city in Mexico (2010) with 1.7 million inhabitants. It is also the largest on northwestern Mexico and is an important industrial hub, where many assembly plants or maquiladoras are located.

What are some maquiladoras in Mexico?

Maquiladoras are assembly and manufacturing plants built from foreign capital while located in Mexico. Some of them include small things such as Apple iPhones or Nokia cell phones up to larger goods such as motor vehicles (Ford, GM, Nissan) and even aircraft parts (Bombardier).