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Q: Where are the mechanoreceptors of hearing and balance located?
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What three senses rely on mechanoreceptors?

Balance touch and hearing

What needs mechanoreceptors to function?

Touch, hearing, and balance

What does the mechanoreceptors respond to?

Hearing (audioception)Balance (equilibrioception)Touch (tactition)Pain (nociception)

Where are the sensations of hearing and balance located?


What does the ear process?

Sound! A2. And the direction of acceleration, for our sense of balance is located in the ears. This a set of three semicircular canals located adjacent to our hearing process.

Is touch detected by mechanoreceptors?

no just sight and smell are detected by mechanoreceptors

Which cranial nerve controls both body balance and hearing?

I believe that the vestibulocochlear nerve controls balance and hearing.

Receptors for hearing are located in the?

the grasshoppers ears are located next to their eyes

What is ototoxic?

Ototoxicity is damage to the hearing or balance functions of the ear by drugs or chemicals.

What is audiology?

Audiology is the study of hearing and balance disorders. Audiologists are doctors who work to treat those with hearing loss and balance disorders and use preventative measures to prevent further hearing loss.

What is the function of ears?

The main function of the ear is to transmit the "sound" to the mechanoreceptors of the inner ear. These will change the "sound" into electrical energy and sent it to the brain for interpretation.

What cranial nerve would involve tightrope walking and listening to music?

The Vestibulocochlear nerve is associated with balance and hearing. Vestibulo-balance, cochlear-hearing.