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they are acctually full grown cows.anyway,they are not in any particular place but they are usually near the ranch.

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Q: Where are the other five calf in poptropica?
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How do you get the calf on wild west poptropica?

you ride on the horse until you see the calf, and then you use the lasso and catch him.

Where is her calf on Poptropica?

Whose calf? If you are talking about the calf that the girl from Rock Ridge in Wild West lost, you need to find it on the map while riding around.

How do you get the calf in wild west poptropica?

follow the footprints from one of the stars

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you use the lasso

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you follow the footprints near rockridge

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unfortunately, you have to catch it again.

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you take it to the ranch ,NOT THE TOWN

How do you bring the calf to the ranch in Poptropica?

press the spacebar and the lasso will come up. aim where you want to lasso to land and the press the spacebar again to launch the spacebar. then lead the calf to the ranch at the bottom left of the map. Wild West, Poptropica

Where is the calf wild west?

Sometimes, players have difficulty locating the calf on Poptropica Wild West. To find the calf, follow the tracks as they lead off to the left from Rock Ridge. You will find the calf near one of the dead trees that the tracks lead to.

How do you give back the calf on wild west poptropica?

Get the lasso and press the space bar to capture the calf. If u still have trouble look it up on YouTube.

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In Rock Ridge there is a rancher who will ask you to find her/his calf that has ran away. After you find this calf (follow the hoofprints and lasso him with the rope) the rancher will ask another favor, to find his five best cattle that have also run away. once you find those, you will get the Rattlesnake Wrangler outfit.

How do you get the saddle from rock ridge in poptropica on the wild west island?

you have to get the cowgirls calf's first and then she'll give it to you