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Q: Where are the points of origin of those muscles which move your leg are located?
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The main muscles that are involved in a splenectomy are those in the diaphragm. The spleen is located under these muscles.

Can applying pressure to certain points on the face and neck help you look younger?

Yes definitely!! Have you noticed how stressful times make people age suddenly? It's because of all those muscles tensing up and forming dammaged tissue. Doing pressure points helps relax those muscles and remove the effects of day to day stress on the muscles of your face.

What continent is located at 25N and 20 E?

The African continent is located in those map points.

How do an ant's muscles resemble those of a mammal?

ants muscles are not unlike those of a mammal in many ways. they have muscles fiber of various kinds


The voluntary muscles - those used for walking moving and speaking. As opposed to involuntary muscles such as those in your intestine or heart.

What are the underneath muscles of the upper arm?

Those muscles are called the triceps.

What is located at 90 south and 90 north?

Those points are the north and south poles, respectively.

How does Charcot Marie Tooth effect the peripheral nerves?

CMT decreases the ability of these nerves to carry motor commands to muscles, especially those furthest from the spinal cord located in the feet and hands. As a result, the muscles connected to these nerves eventually weaken

Why are the muscles in the thigh so large?

i no doctor, but you are constantly using those muscles to walk around

What does voluntary muscle mean?

Voluntary muscles are those muscles that can be moved by the conscious effort and the will of an individual.

What muscles move without control?

Involuntary muscles are those that move without conscious control.

What criteria is used in naming muscles?

1. Direction of the muscle fibers - Muscles named for the directional relationship with imaginary midline division of the body. EX: rectus femoris is the straight muscle of the thigh.2. Relative size of the muscle - Large (maximus), small (minimus), and length (longus) terms are used to describe the muscle's size relative to those around it. EX: gluteus maximus.3. Location of the muscle - Muscles can be named for the bone with which they are associated. EX: the temporalis muscle lays over the temporal bone of the skull.4. Number of origins - The number of origins (starting points) a muscle has determines its name. EX: a Bicep has TWO points of origin.5. Location of the muscle's origin and insertion - Named for its starting point(s) [origin] and its ending [insertion] point. EX: The sternocleidomastoid has origins in the sternumand clavicle and is ended, or inserted, on the mastoid process of the temporal bone.6. Shape of the muscle - Named for a distinct shape. EX: The deltoid is a rough triangular shape. [Deltoid = Triangle in Latin]7. Action of the muscle - Terms like, flexor, extensor, and adductor are used to name muscles based on their movement. EX: Extensor muscles of the wrist extend the wrist.