

Best Answer

You can find them any where among the trees never hidden behind them,

The monitior Ctracy5 told me this, It is true

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Q: Where are the twilight vines on creature breeder?
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How do you get a twilight vine on creature breeder?

you go to the wild. (it's rare)

What does a twighlight vine look like on creture breeder?

In Creature Breeder, a twilight vine is a plant that features twisting purple vines with glowing blue flowers. It adds a mystical and enchanting touch to the environment where it is placed.

On Creature Breeder how do you get that tree from the wild?

To get the twilight vine you have to go to the wild when you hear the birds and the crickets or also known as twilight.

How do you get the twilight vine?

Twilight Vines are located In the wild and are normally found around Twilight (night time), but they are VERY hard to find. Normally a new one is placed in the wild roughly every week, good luck searching! (It took me for ever!!) P.S if you have a creature breeder account look me up my user-name is **Amber** Thanks XD

On creature breeder how can you tell if something is a rare object?

Twilight Vines are rare items but is a bullying website. The bullies are Sparklebug, ctracy5 and falloutboyfan! They bully and delete anyone's account if you ask a simple little question. They are the lazest cb members! CB is a bulyying site!

When on creature breeder do you find the twilight vine day or night?

You can find the Twilight Vine creature in Creature Breeder both during the day and night. However, they may be more active and easier to find during the night since they are known to be nocturnal creatures.

How do you get twilight vines?

no u don't get vines

How do you find a wild creature in creature breeder?

you find them by the columns

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Is creature breeder free?

yes it is