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between G and D

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Q: Where are the white note half steps located on the piano keyboard?
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What colour is John lennons piano?

He had a white piano and a brown piano along with a black keyboard.

Which musical instruments have black and white keys?

A harpsicord. It's keyboard can be black or white.

What is a natural in an octave?

the white keys on a keyboard or piano

What is a Natural Keyboard?

A natural on the piano/keyboard is a white bar. The black bars/notes are called flats or sharps. Hope i helped xxx

If the white notes on a piano are called the 'natural notes' what are the black notes called?

These keys are the white ones on the piano, yes. These are the black notes on the piano.

What are the black notes on the keyboard?

There are only 7 full piano notes to remember. Notes of the black keys are easy to find once you learn the notes of the white piano keys.and those are the keyboard notes.

What is the Proper height of a piano's keyboard?

28 1/2 inches from the floor to the top of the white keys!

What is two whole step higher than G on a piano key?

The whole steps are like white-white-white but the half steps are white-blue-white. So as you can see two whole steps higher than G is B.

What is a musical keyboard?

1.A musical keyboard is an electronic imitation of the piano. 2. A keyboard is an electronic piano, It has black and white keys running along it, when you push one of those keys, the keyboard will perform a musical sound (note). A keyboard also changes sounds so when you play it sounds like other instruments such as;Guitar, Strings, Saxophone and others

What materials is used to make an electric keyboard instrument?

it depends on your piano some piano keys are made of elephant's tusks

What do you call the area of a piano that is black and white?

The keyboard, it is also referred to as the ivories. The frame of many pianos is black, but you are probably asking about the keyboard. 52 white keys, 36 black keys. Key Board

Write an equation to model each of the following:a. There are sixteen more white keys than black keys on a full-sized piano keyboard. There are eighty-eight keys on the piano?

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