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Tsunamis are most likely to occur along areas of high tectonic activity, which is the trigger of Tsunamis in the first place. Areas of high tectonic activity are near the edges of plates, like the Pacific-North American plate and the Indian plate.

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Q: Where are tsunamis most likely to occur?
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Where are tsunamis likely to occur?

Tsunamis are most likely to occur along areas of high tectonic activity, which is the trigger of Tsunamis in the first place. Areas of high tectonic activity are near the edges of plates, like the Pacific-North American plate and the Indian plate.

Where do you find tsunamis the most?

Most of the tsunamis occur in the Pacific Ocean. They occur mostly in the oceans ring of fire location. Tsunamis occur after an earthquake.

What do earthquakes that occur on seafloor produce?

tsunamis are likely

Where are tsunamies most likely occur?

Tsunamis are most likely to occur along areas of high tectonic activity, which is the trigger of Tsunamis in the first place. Areas of high tectonic activity are near the edges of plates, like the Pacific-North American plate and the Indian plate.

Where are tsunumis most likely to occur?

Tsunamis usually happen in places where there is an open sea for example in the Pacific Ocean.However it's almost impossible to occur in a close sea like the Mediterranean Sea.

What ocean is most likely to have tsunamis?

Any really....

Do tsunamis occur in summer?

Tsunamis can occur in any season. They are not a seasonal event.

Where do tsunamis occur along coastal areas?

tsunamis occur at pacific ocean

Do most tsunamis probably form near plate boundaries or far from them?

Most tsunamis are tirggered by earthquaes and so usually occur at plate boundaries.

Who gets hit by tsunamis?

well first of all, people are going to get hit by tsunamis but also buildings are likely to get detroyed too depending on how high and how strong was it. a tsunamis occur when the ocean gets desturbed( example:earthquake-anything that shakes the land ). tsunamis are no laughing matter.

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Victimization is most likely to occur when

What is the percent of tsunamis in the world?

80% of the worlds tsunamis occur in the Pacific Ocean.