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AD 2424 is 412 years after AD 2012.

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Q: Where at on a timeline is the year 2424 AD?
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Is the birth of Jesus Christ the first on a timeline?

Yes. He is reputed to have beeen born in the year 0001 AD

In a timeline of AD which goes first the AD 27 or AD 64?

AD 27 came first.

AD and bc timeline?

BC - Before Christ AD - Anno Domini

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If you don't take into affect AD and BC, and just think of it as a normal timeline, They were created in the year 0. Once created then time as we know it started.

What is the difference between BC and AD on a timeline?

BC goes before 0 on the timeline. AD goes after. BC stands for "before Chris" as if Jesus Chris. becouse it is befor jesus was born. AD stands for after death. i think it is obvious why.

What happen in the time of 0 AD?

Nothing, because there was no "0 AD". The timeline went from 1BC directly to 1AD.

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What does AD stand for on a timeline?

The letters AD on a time line stand for Anno Domini.Translated into English from the Latin, that means "Year of our Lord." This is the year counted from the supposed birth of the Christian's Jesus. Present usage is to keep the AD year count but use CE (Common Era) as the descriptor. Similarly BC (Before Christ) becomes BCE (Before Common Era)

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the Anglo Saxons enter the Britain timeline in the down fall of rome (470 - 476 AD).

How do you order these numbers on a timeline 1776ad 1492ad 800bc 509bc?

800 BC, 509 BC, 1493 AD, 1776 AD in that order.

Which come first AD or BC on a timeline?

The numbering of the years of the Gregorian calendar is based on an error that was made but never corrected in the calculation of the year of the birth of Jesus, who is believed by a great many to be the Christ, which means the Anointed One. B.C. stands for Before Christ, therefore it's first on the timeline.

What year begins the AD year?

The year was AD 1.