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Q: Where blood contain collagen?
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What type of collagen does skin contain?

Generally, collagen type of skin is type I collagen

Does collagen contain protein?

Collagen is a protein yes. Protein is a broad category of molecules.

Does lipstick contain blood?

To the best of my knowledge, no, but there may be by-products made from cow's blood in it. The more likely cow product in lipstick would be collagen from cow tracheas (windpipes).

Does the dermis contain both elastic and collagen fibers?

yes the dermis contains both elastic and collagen fibers

What changes the volume in blood cells?


What two crucial proteins does the dermis contain?

Collagen and elastin

What are the causes of thrombophlebitis?

The main causes can be grouped into three categories; injury to blood veins, increased blood clotting, and blood stasis. When blood veins are damaged, collagen in the blood vein wall is exposed. Platelets respond to collagen by.

Does muscle tissue contain contractile units made of collagen?

Collagen are fibres and are nonliving structure. They are very strong threads and do not contract.

What contains collagen and hemoglobin?

soy, beetroot, black olives, spinach, celery, tomatoes, & goji berries. These contain the most collagen, especially the soy.

What substance in bones gives them a small amount of flexability?

Because they contain collagen, which gives some flexibility

What type of proteins do tendons contain?

Tendons contain a number of different proteins, but the protein that is most prominent is a type of collagen.

Why does blood not clot in the vessels under normal conditions?

Blood cloths when damaged cells release collagen, this activates a chain reaction in trombocytes. Collagen does not release in vesels under normal conditions.