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You can find pictures at health sites such as,, or All have photos as well as descriptions of Molluscum Contagiosum.

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Q: Where can I find Molluscum Contagiosum pictures, as I would like to compare them to the rash on my skin?
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Related questions

What is the best diet for molluscum contagiosum?

Not to fear, you can continue eating whatever you would like, since you do not have to change anything in your diet. Your diet does not affect molluscum contagiosum in any way.

What website has good Molluscum Contagiosum photos?

You may have a hard time finding actual photos nowadays. But, I would recommend visiting the CDC website as they are actual professionals who specialize in all areas of disease. They are surely stocked with photos of Molluscum Contagiosum.

What's the best cure for molluscum contagiosum?

If you have molluscum contagiosum the most effective cure is to wash your hands frequently, and get medical attention. Another way is that the bumps would disappear within the first 6-12 months upon infection but this could take up to four years.

Where can I find images of molluscum contagiosum rash?

You can find picturers of molluscum rashes on the following website, but I would suggest consulting a doctor not just self diagnosing from ... skin conditions & beauty az list

Can I cure Molluscum Contagiosum by changing my diet?

Molluscum Contagiosm does not normally last for more than a year or eighteen months. If the problem persists, or you suffer from a weakened immune system, a healthy diet would help your body to deal with the spots but it would not necessarily cure it.

Does apple cider cure molluscum contagiosum?

It is never that simple. That said I applied it directly just to the spots and it killed them quickly. First, the mature molluscum contagious spots might swell slightly, but they will then get a small scab in the center and fade away. I tried the apple cider vinegar first. It would not get all the spots and it seemed to allow it to spread. The one spot I tried would be gone, but 4 more would show up where to cotton swab had touched. Also, it hurt and left but scabs that might scar. The most common treatments for molluscum contagiosum are astringent chemicals, surgery, and dye lasers.

What would my insides differ from those of a "healthy person" if i had Molluscum Contagiosum?

Your insides would have pathogens attached to your skin cells to produce bumps and warts. This symptom would go away after 6-12 months. But this could be within 4 years.

Where can I ind images of molluscum contagiosum? is a good site containing images of this condition. Comparing your rash to these images would be a good way of diagnosing yourself, but a better idea would be to see your GP in case it's something more serious.

What is the treatment for molluscum?

Molluscum can be treated by freezing or scraping. The bumps will go away on their own within months or one to two years.You can find information on how to cure molluscum contagiosum from your doctor, from medical books or journals, and from looking it up online at a medical site like webmd.

How does the Artix camera compare to the Inspire camera?

The Artix camera has a 5mp and the Inspire has 8mp, so i would recommend the 8mp.People say in comments, that you can easily print pictures from the Inspire. I would recommend that one.

Where can I get more information on molluscum in children?

As with any condition that develops on the human body, one should always try to get an appointment with a healthcare professional. In the case of Molluscum, a dermatologist would be who I'd see first as it is a skin condition. Fortunately it is one that will usually go away on it's own over time.

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From the pictures I have seen Captiva Island is beautiful! I would try looking at the islands website to help compare some of the accommodations that they recommend.