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A complete list of protein food can be found at the following places: CDC, Livestrong, Buzzle, Bella Online, Nourish Interactive and as well as at Wikipedia.

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LiveStrong is a postive, trusted website with information about health and body. They have a complete list from a professional compiled of protein foods.

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Q: Where can I find a source with a complete list of protein food?
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Which food strenghthen your body the most?

Proteins. If your source of protein is from animals, that's called a "complete protein", if you're getting plant protein (beans, grains) you'll need to make sure to mix it up a bit getting the proteins from a few different sources so that you can get the complete protein.

Are there a lot of foods that are rich in protein?

Yes there are a lot of food that are Reich in protein. The most common source of protein is meat products. You can also find protein in beans, legumes and whole grains.

What are the different sources of protein?

You can get protein from meat, fish, eggs, milk, and some nuts like peanuts. Some food have artificially added protein like some breads. Tofu is is a great easy to digest protein rich food which is made from soy beans. Soy beans are a source of complete protein; they contains all the amino acids (the building blocks of protein) that the human body needs. It is hard to find all the amino acids that the body needs in one vegetarian food.

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What happens when a organism if it don't get enough of protein?

It would die but only if it didnt or couldnt find another source of food.

A combination of rice and corn form a complementary protein food source True or false?

It is false that a combination of rice and corn form a complementary protein food source.

What does it mean to say that a food source is a complete protein?

A healthy food for breakfast that contains protein is "Weet Bix" For lunch, "Helga's Soy and Linseed" Bread, preferably with "honey". For dinner, gluten free "beef stroganoff" or however u spell it. These are all healthy.

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What is a good food source for protein and calcium?

milk is a good option.

What is the plant food that qualifies as a complete protein for children and adults?
