

Where can I find more information about eating disorders?

Updated: 9/16/2019
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10y ago

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A detailed booklet that describes the symptoms, causes, and treatments of eating disorders. Also there are many other websites that obtain this information.

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Q: Where can I find more information about eating disorders?
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Where can one find information on EDV?

EDV or Eating Disorders Victoria provides a support and information service relating to all types of eating disorders. It is based in Victoria State, Australia. More information can be found on the extensive EDV website.

Where can I learn more about eating disorders online?

A good website is There you will find information about various eating disorders. Anorexia is an abnormal perception that one's body is fat. Bulimia is similar but instead of not eating the person forces themselves to throw up all the food. There are other disorders in which a person compulsively overeats.

Where can someone find information about the signs of Anorexia?

Depending on where you live you will have several ways to discover more information of Anorexia. There are many organisations that offer support and information on Anorexia such as the national eating disorders association. Also, you can find abundant information online.

Where can you find more information on eating disorders?

Type in Eating disorders in a Google or Yahoo search - it somes up with heaps of websited. Or go to the library and search the catalouge Answer: Going along with the previous answer. Depending on what you are looking for, you'll have more luck finding about eating disorders if you specify what it is you are looking for. *If you are for it you can put it Pro eating disorders. *If you want know about health you can put in the helth of people with eating disorders. *If you want to know how to hide it if you have one put in how to hide eating disorders. *If you want to know how to get help for an eating disorder putting in getting help for my eating disorder. Those are the most common ones. Being specific helps you narrow down what excatly you want to know more about instead of scrolling threw hundreds of pages of things you might not or already know. Answer: Apart from the popular solutions like Wikipedia and National Institute of Health websites, there are quite a few decent resources available on the internet that provide information on eating disorders and other mental health conditions. Some websites provide in-depth information about different types of eating disorders, their causes, symptoms and treatments.

Where can I find more information about diabetes and healthy eating?

You can find more information about diabetes and healthy eating at the Mayo Clinic website, or also at

Who does eating disorders effect?

Eating disorders can - and do - affect anyone. Typically, most eating disorders affected girls / women between the ages of 12 and 28, usually in more western nations.

Where can you find help to recover from an eating disorder?

There are online sites where you can search for help in your area and look at the available maps. Alternatively, there are websites where you can find online help for eating disorders. For more information, see the page links, further down this page, listed under "Related Links. "

Where is the best place to find more information concerning digestive disorders?

There are many websites that offer resources to find information on digestive disorders. A few of these websites that offer this information are Web MD, Medical Center and Life Extension Health.

what is binge eating and compulsive overeating ?

Binge Eating and Compulsive Overeating are types of eating disorders. That website includes great information to help you learn more.

Where can I find more information on weight loss eating ?

you can find information on weight loss eating by books that people have made on it or you can just go to your local doctor and find out what they have to say about it

Give you more information regarding anorexia and bulimia?

There is so much information out there about eating disorders. For more specifc answers or facts, please submit a more specified or detailed question. Some general facts are... *An estimated 1 in every 200 women suffers from an eating disorder. *Of that, 1 in every 250 is anorexic. *Almost all eating disroders occur between the ages of 12 and 25. *2/3 of eating disorders happen in western countries. *Eating disorders are steadily rising, and are one of the leading causes of preventable deaths in young / teenage people. *Eating disorders affect girls to boys, 9 to 1. *73% of people with eating disorders have substance abuse problems (drugs, alcohol, smoking, ect.) *20% of anorexics will die as a result of the disorder or directly from a complication. *Eating disorders can cause great bodily harm (bone decay, organ malfunction / failure, hair loss, dry skin, ect.) *Most people with eating disorders are often depressed and isolated.

What is eating disorder How many types waht are they What are treatments and What iis the implication for copunselling?

The two major eating disorders are anorexia and bulimia. Go to web site for more details on these and other eating disorders.