

Best Answer

For more information on throat cancer, I recommend visiting your doctor or the National Cancer Institute's website:

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Q: Where can I find more information about throat cancer?
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What is the disease you get from smoking?

You can get lung cancer, throat cancer, and mouth cancer! There may be a few more.

Where can someone find more information on Melanoma Skin Cancer?

Melanoma is the most dangerous form of skin cancer which is likely caused by UV rays from sunlight and tanning beds. You can find more information about this type of cancer by contacting the Skin Cancer Foundation.

Where can you find more information about step throat symptoms?

You can find more information about strep throat symptoms at the library, on the internet, and at your doctors office. Most doctors office have pamphlets right in the lobby that cover the basics. A couple of symptoms of strep throat are sudden throat pain, discomfort when swallowing,and you or your child are not experiencing cold symptoms.

Where is there more information available about lung cancer?

You can find more information related to lung cancer online at websites such as Web MD, Mayo Clinic, and Cancer. You can also visit the Wikipedia page devoted to lung cancer.

Where can I find more information on bladder cancer ?

call local hospitals to ask for info where you can find out more information about this. do a search for cancer at or another medical site. look at the symptoms for bladder cancer & also talk to your doctor about the options for help

Where can I find more information on cancer diet?

You would be able to find more information on a cancer diet by talking to your doctor. Also, you could talk to a dietitian to see if they know of any other diets that would be good for you.

Where can I find more information about lung cancer?

The American Cancer Society would be the first place to check with. They are considered the top site for information on Cancer. They could also help you find a doctor for further treatment if you need it.

Where can one find information on stages of breast cancer?

One can find information on stages of breast cancer from a number of online medical-specialized websites. Alternatively, one can talk to his or her family doctor to find more information on this subject.

What cancers do tobacco cause?

Lots of cancers Here are some of them: Lung Cancer Throat cancer Brain Cancer Mouth Cancer And lots more

Where can we find information on stages of kidney cancer?

At early stage of kidney cancer, the tumor measures up to 7 centimeter and the cancer cells are only in the kidney. At later stage cancer cells may extend beyond kidney. To find more information you can visit

Is the throat disturbance will leads to throat cancer?

Throat disturbances alone do not necessarily lead to throat cancer. Throat disturbances, such as a sore throat or hoarseness, can be caused by various factors, including infections, allergies, smoking, or excessive vocal strain. However, some throat disturbances can be symptoms of throat cancer, so it's essential to pay attention to persistent or unusual symptoms and seek medical advice if you are concerned. Throat cancer, also known as laryngeal or pharyngeal cancer, is primarily linked to certain risk factors, including: Smoking: Tobacco use, including cigarettes and chewing tobacco, is one of the most significant risk factors for throat cancer. Alcohol: Heavy alcohol consumption can increase the risk of throat cancer, especially when combined with smoking. Human Papillomavirus (HPV): Some strains of HPV are associated with an increased risk of throat cancer, particularly in the oropharyngeal region. Age: Throat cancer is more common in older individuals. Gender: Men are more likely to develop throat cancer than women. Family history: A family history of throat cancer may increase the risk. Exposure to certain chemicals or irritants in the workplace: Occupational exposure to certain chemicals or fumes may raise the risk of throat cancer.

Where can I find more information on diet for cancer patient? This site offers good information on what kind of diet a cancer patient should have.