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First check Google patents for existing patents that are similar to your invention and make sure that you have something unique. If you live near DC, you can also visit the USPTO and check if your invention is unique. Most lawyers will provide you with a free consultation about this if you call and ask.

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Q: Where can I get free information on how to patent my invention?
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Related questions

Where does one have to register an invention patent?

You can file an invention patent online using a variety of governmental sites dependant on which country you live in. These websites typically allow you to submit your patent and further information then keep you informed of the patent process and let you know if more information is required to secure your patent.

Help with invention ideas?

InventHelp helps everyday inventors patent and submit their invention ideas to companies. They have been in business for more than 30 years. You can contact them for free information on their website

Why did Lincoln get the us patent?

Lincoln created an invention to free a stuck riverboat from a sandbar. As the inventor, he had the right to patent his idea.

Where can one find information on patent help?

Information on patent help can be found at The Patent Office, Legal Zoom and Patently Brilliant. Help is additionally available at Idea 4 Invention and Trademark Express.

Where can one find information on how to patent an invention?

If one wants to find out how to patent an invention then it worth looking at all the information provide by the Patents Office on their website. They do step by step guides to the patenting process and provide the forms that are needed online.

How does a person get an invention patent?

Firstly, conduct a patent search to check that your invention is new and not already patented. Once you know your invention is unique, file your patent with the US patent and trademark office.

Where does one go to get a patent for their invention?

One can get a patent for their invention by contacting the patent office. One must have a detailed summary of their invention and it's purpose in order for it to be patented.

What is patent revocation?

Patent revocation is the removal of patent protection from an invention.

What is another word for registering an invention?

try the word 'patent'. you would patent a new invention.

A license to make use or sell an invention?


Where can you apply for invention patents?

If someone has invented something that they wish to patent, they will need to apply for a patent at the nearest patent office and provide details of the invention, preferably take the invention with them.

What protects an inventors rights to invention?

A patent.