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For information of post weight loss surgery you can go to many is a great source of information. thought the best for weihgt loss is diet and exersize.

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Q: Where can I go to get information for post surgery weight loss?
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Would I be interested in post surgery weight loss?

If you have an obesity weight problem than post surgery weight loss could be something that you would be interested in.For more information you can go to, or talk to your Doctor.

What are some post weight loss surgery stories?

Many people report keeping all or most of their weight off after weight loss surgery. However, a significant minority have post weight loss surgery stories that involve complications, pain, and weight gain.

Where can I go to get information on weight before and after surgery?

First you need to talk with your primary care doctor that can refer you to a weight loss surgeon . He will give you the information you need about weight loss . Usually before surgery you are required to lose X amount of pounds . This weight will be a percent of your current weight . Also, a follow up plan for healthy a safe weight loss after your surgery . Your surgeon will also instruct you on your needs and things to avoid post surgery .

Where can I find more information on weight loss surgery diet ?

You can find more information on surgery weight loss diet by consulting your local doctor or dietrition. You can also find more information by checking the internet or at this website

Where can I find info on post weight loss surgery online?

The website can provide online help for post weight loss surgery. They also have a support group that can help you keep the weight off and deal with emotions that come with the procedure.

Where can I find more information on weight loss price ?

The website provides you with a free consultation for bypass surgery. Generally the cost of surgery is around $15,000 and it generally includes all of your pre and post operative care.

What risks are involved in weight loss surgery?

Weight loss surgeries are fairly successful, however there are risks that include internal stomach bleeding post-surgery. Also, this surgery requires a life-style change and one can only eat small proportions forever.

Where can I learn more about weight loss surgery costs?

There are actually ways to get around the fees of weight loss surgery. For example, entering a study for post surgery bariatric patients will wave most of the fees. Other than that I would recomend going to Virginia Mason hospital in Seattle, Wasington because they have many choices for weight loss surgery, and prices that vary as well.

How Important is a Bariatric Postsurgery Diet?

Bariatric surgery alone is not enough for patients to meet their weight loss goals. A strict bariatric post surgery diet must be followed to ensure that the surgery is successful. Patients that do not follow their post surgery diet may lose weight temporarily only to gain it all back later. This can be a heartbreaking experience for patients who have gone through so much already to reach their weight loss goals. Patients are strongly advised to follow their doctor's recommendations for diet, exercise and counseling to ensure that they achieve the lasting results they desire from their weight loss surgery.

The Average Gastric Bypass Patient's Post Surgery Weight Loss?

The results of gastric bypass surgery vary greatly by patient. A patient's post surgery weight loss will depend on his or her beginning weight and commitment to eating healthy. In the first year after surgery, most patients lose anywhere from 75 to 80 percent of their excess fat. This weight loss occurs very rapidly and then begins to plateau after the first year. To continue losing weight, dieters are urged to exercise and maintain a healthy diet plan. Within a year or two of having surgery, many patients have lost huge amounts of weight and have drastically improved their overall health.

Gastric Bypass Surgery Weight Loss Results?

Gastric bypass surgery weight loss results can vary, but most people will lose weight quickly over the 12 months following surgery. Typically people see about one-third of their excess weight lost over the next one to four years. The second year post-surgery shows the most dramatic improvements, not only with weight loss, but with improved health and quality of life. A weight loss of 65 to 80 percent of excess body weight is common, especially when the prescribed diet and exercise plan are followed.

What are the advantages of the bariatric diet plan versus other diets?

The bariatric diet plan is for people that have had bariatric (or weight loss) surgery. It helps people stay on track with their weight loss post-surgery, and makes sure that they do not damage their organs by overeating/straining themselves with food. It is not a good diet plan if you have not had bariatric surgery.