

Best Answer

Starting salaries are often in the twenty to thirty thousand dollar range. This will vary on where in the country you are employed since urban salaries are higher in general. The particular employer you choose to work for may also determine your potential salary.

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Q: Where can I seek help for foot pain?
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What should I do to alleviate my foot pain?

You might want to check out Ask MetaFilter, there was someone else asking about similar foot pain, If the pain is serous you might want to seek medical help.

Is foot pain a serious ailment?

Foot pain itself is not serious, however foot pain can be related to serious diseases such as diabetes. If you are worried or if it is bothering you, it is best to seek a doctors opinion.

Can a foot massage help with back pain?

You just get a foot massager like this , it will massage your body all.

What injury causes shooting pains in the feet?

There are many causes of pain in the foot. Pain in the foot can be a result of an injury such as a sprain, fracture or broken bone. If your foot pain persists you should seek advice from a medical professional.

Where can I find an article on foot pain?

You can try looking on the NHS website they have a lengthy article on foot pain ( However if you are experiencing foot pains yourself and it persists or is very painful you should seek professional medical advice as soon as possible.

How can you treat bottom of the foot pain?

Purchasing proper footwear can help treat bottom of the foot pain. Taking long hot foot baths are also great method in foot pain relief. Physical therapy and resting are two other ways for bottom of the foot pain relief.

What are some treatments for foot pain?

Get Dr. Scholl's foot inserts. They work wonders for foot pain. Also if you have the money get a foot massage or buy a product that can provide those services will help.

How long does nephritis pain last?

Kidney pain is not ever a normal condition, and is a reason to seek the help of a physician.

How to avoid pain in your feet while working out?

Running with the wrong shoes on can cause foot pain. If you get the right pair of shoes to start, that can help alleviate the foot pain. If the pain persists then go see a doctor.

Would cushioned running shoes for women help reduce foot pain?

Yes because it will give support you foot and minimize the presure so sure the cushoin will help to reduce the pain and discomfort you should try that product to relive your pain.

Are the asics gt2160 good walking shoes?

Yes they are good walking shoes. They are designed for comfort and to help with foot pain. It is designed to work with all foot types so give superior comfort. This will help in elimating the foot pain that other shoes can cause.

If a rattlesnake bites you on your foot should you cut it off?

NO. I hope this didn't just happen to you! Seek medical help immediately. Even if no help is available, cutting off your foot is not an option.