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Volunteer for a wildlife/domestic animal rescue & rehabilitator for a while their is no way you will be able to get PAYED without experience unless its a dog daycare or somthing along those lines.

if you want a location im going to need your town and/or street and what kind of animals you want to work with.

Birds of Prey, dogs, raccoon, large felines, aquatic mammals?

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in the sandiego zoo

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Q: Where can a 16 year old get a part-time job in San Bernardino or near it witch include taking care of domestic animals.?
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Are domestic animals only mammals?

No, domestic animals can include birds, reptiles or fish.

Can you make 10 domestic animals chart?

You could definitely make a chart with 10 domestic animals on it. You should include cats, dogs, fish, and hamsters.

What are the main types of animals?

Are you talking about domestic animals? If so cats and dogs would be best. Other domestic animals would be birds, gerbils, hamsters, ferrets, and snakes. African animals would include lions, giraffes, and elephants.

Which domestic animal eats vegetables?

There are several domestic animals that eat vegetables. Some of these include rabbits, pet turtles, guinea pigs, goats, horses, and cows.

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A domestic animal is one that has been trained, bred, or been altered by humans to fit their needs. For instance, a dog is a domestic animal because it usually lives with the family, is trained, and is fed by the owners. Some other examples include: cats, parakeets, etc.

What are the characteristics of domestic animals?

Domestic animals are tame rather than wild and they usually only survive under the care of a human.

Is camel a bovine?

No, Camels belong to the Genus Camelus.Bovine animals belong to the subfamily Bovinae, and include domestic cattle, bison, buffalo and yaks.

What is the definition of habitable structure?

Habitable structures are buildings that are designed to be lived in by humans and domestic animals. This would include places like apartments, mobile homes, and townhouses.

What are effects of learned behaviors?

Animals learn behaviors to survive in their ecosystems. Some learned behaviors include hunting for food and migrating to live near food sources. Learned behaviors of domestic animals include learning tricks, and other training of the animal by humans.

Do animals prey on rainbow lorkeets?

Many animals prey on the rainbow lorikeet. Most of these include domestic animals, the worst probably being cats. Dogs and foxes may also contribute to some killing. Birds of prey such as hawks and eagles have been known to take lorikeets, and even animals like snakes.

Does population include animals?

No the population does not include animals. It only includes the human population.

What are some typical Cuban pets?

Cats, dogs, birds, other words, the same as anywhere else.