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Many places are available in Chicago for taking English as a second language. One of these places include the English Language Institute, which is an accredited program with the University of Chicago.

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Q: Where can a person take English as a second language lessons in Chicago?
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To teach English to a Kurdish person, it's important to understand their language background and tailor lessons to their specific needs. Using visuals, real-life examples, and cultural references can be helpful in making learning more engaging. Additionally, practicing speaking and listening skills through conversations, watching English videos or listening to English music can aid in language acquisition.

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If you are speaking as a person whose first language is English, the answer is communication. If you are another 'normal' person the importance needs discussion.

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A person has a good sense of the English language when they use it correctly. In order for the English language to be used correctly, a person needs to study it, have an understanding of words, punctuation and grammar.

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Should people who speak English as a second language have elocution lessons to get rid of their accent?

This is a matter of vanity and personal feelings. It has nothing to do with necessity. As long as a person can speak and be understood, there is no linguistic reason to attempt to get rid of a native accent.

Advantage of english as a global language?

Each person would speak the same language. Same can be said about any language.

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Anglophone refers to a person who speaks English as their primary or first language. It can also refer to a region or country where English is the dominant language.

How you say English in Spanish?

As in the language "inglés". As a person, "inglés or inglesa".

Can English be a deaf persons first language?

Yes. A deaf person can go deaf after learning English, or they can be taught English as a first language, often through lip reading, though this is not a very efficient way to use language.

Who are Anglophones?

Anglophones are people who speak English as their first language. The term is often used to refer to English-speaking people, particularly in countries where English is not the primary language.

Can a Vietnamese person learn the English language through the Rosette stone program?

Yes. There are programs for British English and American English.