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This seems dodgy.

To make an online purchase you need a credit card. You'll need to be quite a bit older to get one of those. I suggest you improvise until then, but try not to do yourself any mischief.

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No one where legally. But you could you could make them at home, by searching on or, and/or having an adult buy them for you. But homemade is much easier than finding an adult that would do that.

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Q: Where can a person under the age of 18 get sex toys?
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If a person is over the age of consent and dates a person under the age of consent can that person over the age of consent get in legal trouble even if they don't have sex?

Dating is not regulated by law. If your parents allow you to date, then, if you are not having sex, there is no law broken.

Say a younger sibling under the age of 18 wants a sex toy am I able to buy them one since I am of age or will that get me in trouble like buying them alcohol?

No it's not illegal. Sex toys just aren't 'moral' for children under 18. Children drinking underage is illegal but having a sex toy is not illegal.

What is it called when a person under the age of 18 is dating a person over the age of 18?

It's not called anything. If you have sex with a minor who is below age of consent it is statutory rape though.

IS teen sex illegal?

It is illegal to have sex with someone who is under the age of consent.If a person is not able to consent to sex (can't if under age) then this is rape.

What is the legal dating age in Atlanta?

Whatever your parents say it is. There is no legal age for dating in Georgia. However, it is illegal for a person over the age of 18 to have sex (in any form) with a person under 18 unless they are married, and parents have the right to restrict the activities of unemancipated minors living under their roof.

Is sex good when you have it?

Of course it is, but you should not be under age.

What is the legal age you can date and or kiss someone in Colorado. no sex. But if your over 18 and the other person is under it then...?

15, 3 year rule.

What are gay kids?

any person who is sexually attracted to members of the same gender is a gay child.

I need sex but im under age?

What you mean is- 'I would like sex'. Nobody needssex.

What does it mean - Age of Consent?

The Age of Consent law is there to protect minors (children in the care of parents or guardians) from sex and sexual relationships. It means that until the child has reached the age of consent they cannot have sex with another person. This protects them under the law from older persons and adults above the age limit also.

I know there is a Romeo and Juliet' clause but is it legal for a person of 18 years to have sex with some one within three years of age but under 17 in Texas?

yes its legal,BUT TEXAS ALSO says that if you date anyone over the age of 18 under the age of 24 then you must have parent consent to date that over age person, and your parents must give consent to have sex with said person. Its sucks; they're just made cause their getting some from their old wrinkly wives!! =D

What games and toys were popular in 1957?

Sex and adult toys