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i would probably Google the lyrics or sheet music and see what shows up.

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Q: Where can i find songs on the internet without someone's voice singing them?
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How do you get songs without someone singing them?

Usually they make CD's with just have the music the oerson singing it which means the song is in minus 1.

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No, singing songs is not haram. But singing dirty songs is haram which can arouse people sexually. So, singing good song is not haram. There are even many Islamic songs.

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There must be a lot of songs where children are singing.

Who sings in Calvin Harris songs?

in a few of Calvin Harris' songs a girl is singing. various artists feature in his songs in bounce kelis sings. In songs with a boy singing it is usually Harris singing. If you are after a specific song you'll have to research it. hope this helps!

Does Arcade Fire sing in French?

yes. Usually, Regine (the girl singing) is the one singing in French. Parts of the songs Empty Room- The Suburbs, Haiti- Funeral, Un Annee Sans Lumiere(a year without lights)- Funeral, are songs with French Lyrics.

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What songs should my eleven year old be singing?

Songs that he/she enjoys.