

Where can one find a cassette player for their car?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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Cassette players for cars can be purchased at auto part stores, such as Pep Boys. They can also be found online at sites such as Amazon, Craigslist or eBay.

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Q: Where can one find a cassette player for their car?
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How much should you have to pay to get a really nice quality car cassette player?

You can pay over one hundred dollars if you really need cassette playback.

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Many people sell their possessions online so it may be worthwhile looking on websites like eBay and Gumtree to find a retro cassette CD car stereo from the seventies.

Car Cassette Players Bring Back Memories?

Believe it or not, the cassette player is still a viable option for your car audio system. It may be rare, but the throwback to the cassettes happens more than one would think, even though the technology is a bit outdated. Much like adding a VHS/DVD combination player to your home theater system, many people make the choice to add a CD/Cassette player to their car audio system. This gives them the freedom to switch between both CDs and cassettes, allowing them to reach back into their youth and play the songs they remember driving around to back in the day. The cassette player is definitely still made for a very niche market, as cassette tapes are becoming more and more rare. But for those that still have a pile of them sitting around, adding a cassette player to your car audio system isn’t extremely challenging. The only thing you really need to look for in a car cassette player is the cassette player itself. These come in the form of a head unit, just like any of the CD or satellite radio units that adorn the shelves of electronic stores across the country. Another good thing about adding a cassette player to your car is that you won’t spend a lot of money. Most cassette head units, especially if they are cassette only, will cost well under $100, some running less than $20. One thing you might want to invest in, though, is a combination CD/Cassette player. While you’ll spend a little more money, this will give you the ability to utilize more updated technology, in the event that you won’t be able to find cassettes at all, which will probably happen sooner than you might think. Cassette players aren’t going to suit everyone. In fact, they probably aren’t going to suit most. But for that very small niche, and there definitely is one, a cassette player can be a great way to relive a lot of fond memories.

Do cars still come stock with cassette players?

No, new cars nowadays do not have cassette players. Most new cars have CD players and radio. It will be possible to customize your car and add an cassette player, but there are no new models so you have to usen an used one.

How To Find A Car Cassette Player?

Having a cassette player in your car is something that a lot of people are going back to. The invention of the iPod transmitter has proven irritating with constant buzz and interference giving poor sound quality. The problem is that most new cars will offer audio in jacks, leaving older cars high and dry. If you’re looking to install a cassette player in your car for the tape adapter option with an iPod, here are a couple of places you can find old car cassette players.1.&nbps;&nbps;&nbps;Junk yards. Junk yards are one of the best places to find old car parts. If you have a junk yard near your house, take a trip down the street to see what they have to offer. A lot of junk yards are keeping an inventory of their parts now so they will be able to tell you what kind of cassette players they have and what could fit in your car.2.&nbps;&nbps;&nbps;Goodwill Stores. Goodwill stores always have strange electronics from the long long ago. Head to your neighborhood Goodwill store or just a local thrift shop and take a look through their electronics section. If you’re willing to keep checking back with them, you might be able to find an old cassette player for your car. Make friends with one of the employees and have them on the look out for when their inventory changes.3.&nbps;&nbps;&nbps;The Flea Market. The flea market is one of the best resources for finding retro and outdated technology. If you’re looking for a cassette player for your car, there is no better place to find one than the flea market. Every flea market will have somebody selling third party car stereo parts or weird electronics. Ask them if they have anything lyingaround their home, as that is where most of their inventory is going to be.4.&nbps;&nbps;&nbps;Craigslist. Place an ad on Craigslist saying that you’re looking for a car cassette player. A lot of people upgrade their stereos as soon as they buy a car and just have these pieces lying around. For a small fee, they might even be able to install if for you.

How does one use a cassette adaptor?

One uses a cassette tape adaptor to play music through sound systems with a tape player. By using this cassette tape adaptor, one does not need an auxiliary input.

How to Install a Cassette Player In Your Car?

Still have those cassette tapes and want to play them while you drive? Is your car lacking the proper cassette player? No worries, this article will walk you through the simple steps of how to install a cassette player in your car. Because cassette players are now considered older technology, you need to be sure that it will fit in your dash before you purchase it. Before you start this task, gather the appropriate tools and other items that you will need. Gather a screwdriver, a soldering gun, wire crimps, the cassette player and the user manual. Take a few minutes to review the user manual before you start installation. Next, follow appropriate safety precautions such as turning off your engine and disconnecting the negative terminal on your battery. In the dashboard of your car, there is a stereo face that has to be removed, which sometimes involves a button or sliding mechanism to loosen it before pulling it off. Disconnect the existing antenna wiring. You’ll have to purchase and install a special mounting pod under the dash if your car does not have an existing radio or a space to fit one. Get the cassette player out of its packaging and turn it around with the wires facing the dashboard. The speaker wires will plug into appropriate positions on the face piece of the cassette player. Usually, there’s a diagram that shows you where the speaker wires should be plugged. Wiring is usually color-coded. Next, thread the power wire and antenna wire into the cassette player face piece. You can test the power to the cassette player once these wires are connected firmly. You can’t mount the cassette player into the dashboard until the wires are connected per above. Once that’s accomplished, insert the cassette player into the original position of the car stereo that was in the dashboard. That’s it! Now you have a cassette player in your car that will allow you to enjoy your favorite music while you drive. If something doesn’t seem to be working, consult the user manual and/or call the tech support number provided in the manual.

How can one get information form a cassette tape to a CD?

The easiest way to get information from a cassette tape to a CD is to get a radio that has both a cassette player and a recordable CD. As the cassette plays it can be recorded onto the disc.

What cassette players records and plays dolby?

Most cassette players nowadays supports playing dolby and records at the same time. This is one example -> O Coby O - Portable Am/Fm Cassette Player/Recorder or Sony Standard Portable Player/Cassette Recorder.

IPod to cassette player?

To transfer songs on an iPod to a cassette player one needs an adapter. The adapter cords attach to both devices and allow music to be transferred.

What does Best Buy charge to install a new car cassette player?

Best buy usually charges about one hundred to one hundred and twenty dollars to install a new receiver.