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ARR stands for Accounting Rate of Return. Information can be found about this from many websites including Money Terms. Financial Dictionary also provides information.

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Q: Where can one find information about Arr?
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#include using std::cin;using std::cout;using std::endl;double min(double arr[], int arrSize);double max(double arr[], int arrSize);int main(){const int arrSize = 5;double arr[arrSize] = {0.0};cout

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#include &lt;iostream&gt; using std::cout; using std::cin; using std::endl; void input(double arr[], const int arr_size); double max(double arr[], const int arr_size); int main() { const int arr_size = 5; double arr[arr_size] = {0.0}; input(arr, arr_size); cout &lt;&lt; "Highest number is: " &lt;&lt; max(arr, arr_size) &lt;&lt; endl; system("PAUSE"); return 0; } void input(double arr[], const int arr_size) { cout &lt;&lt; "Enter " &lt;&lt; arr_size &lt;&lt; " elements to find the highest:" &lt;&lt; endl; for (int i = 0; i &lt; arr_size; i++) { cout &lt;&lt; (i + 1) &lt;&lt; " element is: "; cin &gt;&gt; arr[i]; } } double max(double arr[], const int arr_size) { double highest_num = arr[0]; for (int i = 0; i &lt; arr_size; i++) { if (highest_num &lt; arr[i]) { highest_num = arr[i]; } } return highest_num; }

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