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You can purchase black bear home decor items from retailers such as Zappos and Overstock. Alternatively, you can also purchase these items from auction websites such as eBay.

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Q: Where can one purchase black bear home decor items?
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Does anyone have Build a bear codes to purchase items?

yes they can if they have a web code.

What items weigh the equivalent of 179lbs?

179lbs of dirt, or a 179lb black bear.

How do you get all lot of money codes on Build-a-Bearville?

for bear credits you have to purchase real items at buildabear workshop and for bear bills go to for codes

What lives with a black bear?

a black baby bear and a black mother bear believe it or not

Build-a-Bearville credit codes?

Build A Bear gives customers credit codes when they purchase items. These can be redeemed on their website for virtual gift.

Can a tiger eat a black bear?

An Asian black bear, yes. American black bear, no.

What is the name for a black bear?

The American Black Bear is Ursus americanus.The Asian Black Bear is Ursus thibetanus.

Is a black bear a bird?

No. A black bear is a mammal, i.e., a bear like a grizzly bear or a polar bear.

What is another name for Asian black bear?

Another names of Asian black bear are moon bear, white-chested bear and Himalayan black bear.

Is a black bear a carnivores?

No. A black bear is an omnivore.

What is the black bear on?

The black bear is on the California flag

What species of bears are related to the Black bear?

The polar bear, grizzly bear, sun bear, spirit bear panda bear and the brown bear are related to the black bear. Even though the koala bear has the word Bear in it, it isn't related to the black bear.