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Pretty rare, but there are still places where it happens, Mongolia is one such place.

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Q: Where can people still catch the black death?
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Can you re catch the black death?

the black plague does still exist today, however it is a really rare disease

What not to do when you have black death?

Certainly don't panic or freak out. Of course, it is quite impossible to get the Black Death in our days. People do say try to live your life while you still can, so don't think about death.

Do you still have black death today?

Yes, The black death is the bubonic plague. Though it is rare, there are still modern cases of the disease.

What is the period after the black death called?

The period after the black death was still known as the medieval period.

Can you get the black death nowdays?

There's some disagreement on exactly what the Black Death was, though it's usually thought to have been caused by a bacterium known as Yersina pestis, which is still around today. While it's still possible to catch the plague, it's not usually fatal if treated in time; antibiotics are generally effective.

Where would the doctors during the black death learn to be a doctor?

there was doctors during the black death but if they were poor they didnt treat them they would only treat the rick people back then but we dont have the black death now

How many years was the black death around for?

the black death is still around in certain parts of the world

Was there enough people after the black death to supply food?

Yes there was that's why there are still English people living now. Because there ancestors pulled through

Is the black death still a health risk?

No it is not still a health risk! :p

What is the cure today if you get the black death?

Black Death is an old name for the Plague, which is still around. Antibotics are used very successfully.

How can the black death kill us?

Yes, it is still around and it can still kill. About 3,000 people die each year of it ( learned this in a history channel program last week) and there is still no cure.

What things stayed the same after the Black Death?

The living conditions during the black death were very hard for people who were poor. People who were rich would leave the cities to get away from the black death. Keep in mind that one in three people died during these pandemics. No one had any idea about bacteria or viruses. People thought that bad air caused the diseases. Overall living conditions improved because labor shortages meant that the poor that survived received higher wages and had many more opportunities.