

Where can you buy a glofish?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Pet store.

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Q: Where can you buy a glofish?
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When were glofish created?

Glofish were created in 2004.

Can a Pleco go with a Glofish in an aquarium?

I have a pleco and a Glofish together.

Will a glofish eat ANYTHING?

Glofish are typically omnivores, meaning they will eat a variety of foods including fish flakes, pellets, freeze-dried, and live foods like bloodworms or brine shrimp. However, they do have preferences and may not eat just anything offered to them. It's best to provide a well-balanced diet to ensure their health and well-being.

Is it legal to sell glofish?

No glofish are a patented strain of zebra danios and its illegal to sell, trade, or even purposely breed glofish.

Why are Glofish called Glofish?

Their bright colors make it look as if they glow in the light.

What created a GloFish?

When a jellyfish chemical is put into zebra diano eggs. tadaa. a glofish!

What is a glofish?

A glofish is just a zebra danio that scientists put stuff in there eggs that made them neon

How do you breed glofish?

GloFish are a patented product and breeding is restricted by law. GloFish are genetically engineered zebra danios. Breed them will not produce GloFish that are true to color. They will look like regular zebra danios. They are egg layers. If you have males and females together you will get fry.

Are glofish in the arctic tundra?


What are GloFish compatible with?


Are glofish tropical fish?

Yes, they do. GloFish are just genetically engineered versions of the zebra danio, which is a tropical fish.

How do you tell if your glo fish is pregnant how long does it take?

The GloFish will have a bloated look and will be fat. If you compare it with the other GloFish , you can usually tell the difference. I'm not sure right now, as my GloFish is also pregnant.