

Where can you buy a incubater?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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13y ago

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Depending on what type you require. There are a vast range of this type of product. Some are for babies others are for plants and flowers. The latter is available from a garden centre the former is available through specialist suppliers that deal directly with hospitals.

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it is possible if you have them in a incubater

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The ideal temperature for incubating pigeon eggs is exactly 18 degrees celsius, if the temperature is any lower then the egg will explode and you will need to buy a new one, if the temperature is any higher then you will also die

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the eggs need to be kept warm in order to mature, check out the link I provided

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Nothing really.... I guess you could try to put it in a incubater to hatch it. Freaky people co.

How many days does it take for baby chicks to hatch in the incubater?

Well, baby chicks are in the incubator to be warm. I once watched them hatch out of it. They take exactly 21 days to hatch. You're welcome.

Why baby needs incubater?

Babies that are born too soon often find it difficult to breathe, keep warm and fight off infections. With an incubator, they get a very controlled environment, which helps them grow and recover.

Does a duck egg in an incubater get heavy while a chick is griwing inside?

Yes, a duck egg in an incubator will get heavy while a duckling is growing inside the egg. This is because the duckling is gaining weight and size.

What happens if you dont have an incubater and you still want to hatch an egg?

An incubator is generally a compartment with a controlled atmosphere. If an oven is set at particular warmth, about 50 to 100 degrees, it should substitute. The animal and its natural habitat should determine temperature.

Why do reptile eggs need to be kept warm?

Either the mother or father sits on it or you put it in an incubater