

Where can you buy a rat cage in the western cape?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Just use a large bird cage, or a rabbit cage. My rat has a rabbit cage, and she's as happy as can be. My old rat had a bird cage, and he was perfectly fine.

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Q: Where can you buy a rat cage in the western cape?
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Which rat is the nicest rat?

No rat is really "the nicest". it all depends on how much you play with them and toys in their cage. If you are looking to buy one, my personnal favorite is the fancy rat.

Where is the best place to get a pet rat and cage from?

Petco and Paridise Pets Walmart is cheap for cages though than the others. What i did was buy the rat at Paridise pets and bought the cage at walmart.

Do you have to buy a plane ticket for a rat?

Not at all! You can put your cute little rat in a cage and then it'll sit in the cage under your seat. This goes for all small animals. Great question though!

Where is a good place to buy a rat and cage and maybe toys and food?

Petsmart normally has a wide selection of rat cages, food, and rat-approved toys for them to play with.

Can a full grown rat fit into a hamster cage?

No. Hamster rat cage don't have enough space to pet rats. You can use Midwest Critter Nation rat cage. It has plenty of space to play and move around. You can check the reviews here- bestratpoisons. com/rat-cage-for-2-rats

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A cage.

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When a rat is nibbling on something?

They nibble on food, fingers, and almost anything you put in their cage. You can put a wooden block in your rat's cage for them to chew on. Never put you finger in a very fiesty rat's cage or it will bite you and it will hurt. Badly.

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kill the rat

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Smashing Pumpkins

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Get the dust out his cage...

Where do you make pet rat live?

make a small home for your pet rat, like a cage and put toilet rolls, a ball, you can put LOADS of things in the cage to make your rat happy.