

Can a full grown rat fit into a hamster cage?

Updated: 12/13/2020
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14y ago

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No. Hamster rat cage don't have enough space to pet rats. You can use Midwest Critter Nation rat cage. It has plenty of space to play and move around. You can check the reviews here-

bestratpoisons. com/rat-cage-for-2-rats

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14y ago

It depends if the hamster cage is large. If it is a regular cage, the rat might be too big to fit inside.

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Syrian hamsters are the largest of the hamsters. Keep that in mind when purchasing the cage be it plastic,wire or glass. All other small animals such as mice and geribils may fit in a hamster cage .It really depends on the type of cage you have and are planning to buy.

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A hamster would want to live in a fairly small cage with lots of chippings and possibly a little loft sort of thing this will make the haster feel like he/she has enough room and is not really trapped in a cage.

Can you fit having hamster while having important exams?

Yes, but every day you need to put your hand in the cage at least once. You need to clean it out once a week so i advise you to do it at the weekend.

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just put a wheel in the cage and let the hamster choose and if you're putting it in the ball then if you want your hamster to be fit put him/her in for 30 mins in ball every other day

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oh no, no they can't they are one of the biggest of the hamster breeds.

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