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Q: Where can you buy burdock seed for cultivation?
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Related questions

What is an example of a seed that contains burrs?

One example of a seed that contains burrs is the burdock seed. Burdock plants produce burrs that easily attach to fur or clothing, helping in seed dispersal.

How burdock seed dispersed?

Burdock seeds are dispersed by animal fur. These burdock seeds have little hooks on them which allows them to "catch" onto the fur.

What is a burdock seed?

za fc a type of organism

How does the burdock seed benefit from animals?

be becuse its goog 4 thim

How does the shape of dandelion and burdock help in easier seed dispersal?


How are burdock seeds pollinated?

Burdock seeds are typically pollinated by insects, especially bees, that visit the burdock flowers to collect nectar. As they move from flower to flower, they inadvertently transfer pollen, leading to fertilization and seed development. This process ensures genetic diversity in the burdock population.

What is the scientific name for the Lepidoptera known as the Burdock seed moth?

The accepted scientific name is Metzneria lappella.

What method of seed dispersal does burdock use?

Burdock uses animal dispersal method through burs that attach to the fur of animals or clothing, allowing them to be carried to new locations.

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can root pruning by cultivation be avoided by planting corn seeds

How does burdock stick?

Burdock sticks to surfaces through tiny hook-like structures on its burrs, called burs. These hooks easily latch onto fur, clothing, or any passing object, allowing the burdock to attach and be carried to new locations for seed dispersal.

Is burdock poisonous?

Because the roots of burdock closely resemble those of Deadly nightshade (also known as belladonna or Atropa belladonna), there is a risk that burdock preparations may be contaminated with these potentially dangerous herbs. Be sure to buy products from established companies with good reputations. Do not gather burdock in the wild unless you know what you are doing.

What is the Malayalam name of burdock root?
