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Q: Where can you buy glycerin for snow globes?
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Is breathing snow globe liquid toxic?

Modern snow globes are usually filled with water, fake "snow" and an added antifreeze. The "snow" is bits of plastic in modern globes, bone chips, sand, gold foil, or sawdust in old globes. The antifreeze is usually glycol or glycerin. Both of these substances are potentially harmful if ingested in sufficient quantities. Breathing the vapors is unlikely to cause harm, but is best avoided.

What kinds of stores sell snow globes?

You can buy snow globes just about anywhere. You can find them at gift shops, on the internet (EBay and Amazon), at museums, and even at the grocery store.

Is there snow globes in florida?

Many souvenir shops sell snow globes

Where can one buy a Snowman Snow Globe?

Snow globes that feature a snowman can be purchased in stores like Walmart, Hallmark, and Brookstone. One can also purchase these snow globes online from websites like Amazon, eBay, Etsy, and Hayneedle.

Where can you buy Florida snow globes in Florida?

Yes. Some tourist stores have ones of beach scenes, but glitter or sand usually instead of snow.

Where can you obtain snow for inflatable snow globes?

You can go to Lowes and Home Depo. I mean you can get inflatable snow globes ANYWHERE! I hope this helped, Madisyn Smith

Does anyone in the US make custom snow globes?

Yes. People do make snow globes in the United States. For large quantities made in USA, try Double Exposure, Inc. For individual (one of a kind) snow globes, you may wish to contact Ferrara Studios or Snow Globe Central, which both make custom snow globes in the U.S.

Do snow globes make good gifts?

Snow globes make awesome gifts especially when they are handmade with love. Kids and adults can make them for others to enjoy, and they can personalize them to fit the recipient perfectly.

Consumers in the arctic?

It is very hard to see a human survive in that harsh climate, only a few are stationed there.

How famous is snow globe collecting?

The collections of snow globes is done every where. There is no telling how famous it is. The actor Corbin Bernsen is one celebrity who has publicized his collection of snow globes.

Where can you get cheap snow globes?

At the dollar store.

Is there a site that will allow you to create custom plastic snow globes online?

SnowGlobeCentral makes one of a kind custom glass snow globes. If you are looking for inexpensive plastic snow domes or globes, you may wish to buy the type of snow dome that allows you to size your own photo, and slide inside a slot in the base. If you do a search for "photo snow dome kit" you'll find many options. but Amazon, Sears, and others also provide empty snowdomes to be personalized with your photo.