

Where can you buy world War 2 ration book?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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You can get a copied oneat the imperial war museam in london. and you can get those identification book and a clothes ration book

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Q: Where can you buy world War 2 ration book?
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What did you buy sugar with during world war 2?

food ration coupons

Why did they have to use ration book?

German bombed ships that delivered the food so a ration book helped people to buy food.

How were ration cards used in World War 2?

Go to this web page and bring up each book. example book 2 the stamps have a M on them ,that was for meat: Ration books were used in WW2. The government rationed food so we could feed our soldiers at war and feed civilians at the same time. Ration stamps came inside the book and had to be presented so you could actually buy rationed goods. Some goods were: canned foods, sugar, eggs, coffee, sugar, meats. Without a ration stamp, you could not buy rationed foods. There were very strict rules about exactly how to use them. Try searching "ration Books" , there are many sites which include more information.

Why did you have to say which shopyou were going to buy your food from in ww2?

So that the correct ration book could be issued.

How did they ration food in World War 2?

They had ration books which had coupons in. Every time they wanted to buy something they had to had their book to the shop keeper and they would cross of the coupons which they were using. After they had finished their book they had to go to a person and they would check if they had finished up all of the tokens and if they had then they would give them another book. After the war had ended rationing still had to happen because it took them a little while before they had got all the food back. I hope that answers your Question :D .

How did ration work?

rationing worked by them being given little of food each day and they ticked it off in there ration book so they could not buy the same thing again that week.

What were ration coupons?

War ration coupons were coupons used during world war two and they were considered money. You would use them to buy your food, but because the food levels were so low, you could only buy a certain amount.

What are ration stamps and why were they used during World War 2?

Because of the great amount of food that had to be alloted to U.S. servicemen in this country and overseas during World War Two (Over 16 million) -- and the food that had to be sent to our allies -- there was a shortage of many types of food here in this country. Those types of foods then had to be rationed -- there were only varying amounts available at any given time. The only way to make sure that every American citizen was able to buy their fair share of the rationed foods was by coupons. A family or a person would periodically be alloted a book of coupons (called Ration Stamps).I can't remember how often the ration stamp books were distributed -- maybe once a month When people went to the store to buy food thay would have to redeem the ration stamps for (only)those foods considered in short supply. The greater amount of the shortage type foods purchased -- the more stamps you had to turn in. You could spend all your ration stamps right away or parcel them out over a period of time. When they were gone -- they were gone. You didn't get any more until you got your next book of ration stamps. vcs

What are ration books in the diary of anne frank?

Anything needed to help the war effort was rationed. That means each person was only allowed to buy a certain amount. For example, sugar, gas, meat, fat were rationed. Each person was allowed to buy only a small amount. To make sure people didn't buy more than they were allowed to, goverments issued Ration Books. When you went to the store to buy something that was rationed, you had to present your little book of tickets and the store clerk would tear out the week's ticket and sell the stuff to you. So if you were at the butchers, they would remove the ticket that said you could buy 1lb of beef and sell you the roast. If you didn't have a ration book, you couldn't buy the item.

What prevented American consumers from spending large sums of money during world war 2?

Several things. First of all, there was a shortage of almost any consumer item you can name during the war, and many of the everyday things we take for granted were not made during the war: Appliances, new cars, even alarm clocks for awhile. Secondly, the government was pleading and cajoling people to put the money into War Bonds, which financed the war. Third, free spending encourages Black Markets, which were viewed as unpatriotic to the point of being almost treasonous. And Americans responded pretty well - saving was at an all-time high rate during the War.

A sentence for the word ration?

The United Kingdom was an island of nations and it was small geographically. It was not able to grow all the types of foods and grain products because it was in a climate that could not sustain those crops. So when World War 2 started they had to continue to import food products and feed their service people. So they chose to ration food. Each person in the UK was issued a ration card. That ration card indicated what a person could buy and how much he or she could buy. The troops received "field rations". They were given their portions.

How did canned food help during world war 2?

Canned food was used in the K Rations and the rations of the UK forces world wide. This allowed the troops to get protein, fruit, vegetables that were not dried and blah. However, most troops hated the Spam ham and even wrote back home to their families not to send spam. Some of the poor navy boys got spam for one straight month, particularly on the submarines.