

Where can you download LAMP package for Debian Linux?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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11y ago

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LAMP is not a package , it is : Linux Apache Mysql PHPyou can intall them with :

sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client apache2 apache2-doc php5 php5-mysql libapache2-mod-php5

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Linux variant: depending on the distribution you use, there are (most certainly) prepared packages (e.g. Debian, Ubuntu) to install, if you use a more complicated distro like gentoo, you have to download and compile the source packages (check google for tutorials on that). Windows variant 1: you can employ a prepared WAMPP package (apache, mysql, php, pear/pecl) - find it here: Windows variant 2: you can install all desired services manually (check google for tutorials on windows apache iis)

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The LAMP stack is a well-known and widely used web-development stack whose primary goal is to help you to build an open source web hosting environment. This stack consists of the following components: Linux (base operating system), Apache (web server), MySQL (relational database) and PHP (multi-platform scripting language). And here’s where LAMP comes from. You may have heard about some well-known projects which are heavily relying on this stack: Facebook, Wikipedia, Tumblr, and WordPress. In this article we’ll show you how you can install it on Ubuntu server. Prerequisites You must have root privileges or have an ability to use sudo to install required packages to your system. Installation process Installation process is easy and straightforward. First, we’ll install Apache web server, then MySQL DB and then finalize the process with PHP scripting language.

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To answer this one would have to know if by "100 watt" you mean actual power used by the LED lamp or the wattage equivalence to an incandescent lamp of the same brightness. In the second case (which is the most likely) you would have to read the package that the LED lamp came in to get actual power used.

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PHP is a technology in itself and like JAVA it is open source and platform independent. It has got its own interpreter. So as long as you have a LAMP server you need not worry about the os system