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Q: Where can you find a butterfly knife in California?
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Related questions

Where can you buy a butterfly knife in Hong Kong?

No you can't find any butterfly knife cuz having a butterfly knife in Hong Kong was illegal.

Is Ellie's knife a butterfly knife in The Last Of Us?

No, Ellie's knife is not a butterfly knife. It is a switchblade.

What is stronger a butterfly knife or a switchblade?

I think a butterfly knife is stronger and more durable

Is it legal to have a butterfly knife in LA?

No, it is illegal to have a butterfly knife in Louisiana for any reason.

Is a butterfly knife a good fishing knife?

No. A butterfly knife is a knife in which the handles fold over the knife. It is one of the most impractical knife designs there is and is primarily used for entertainment and show reasons.

Is it legal to carry a butterfly knife in Iowa?

No, it is illegal to carry a butterfly knife in Iowa. Iowa law prohibits the carrying, display, or use of such knives.

Where can you find California dog face butterfly?

No where. This is a silly Question!

Is a butterfly knife illegal in Alabama?


What is the difference between a Balisong vs a Butterfly Knife?

They are the same thing it is just a different name for a butterfly knife, it is call balisong in the Philippines.

Are flapjack flipping knife dagger blade illegal in California?

i think so maybe i know butterfly knifes are illegal so i say yes

Is a butterfly knife illegal in Louisiana?

Yes, in Louisiana, butterfly knives are considered illegal to own, sell, or carry in public places. Louisiana law categorizes butterfly knives as switchblades and bans their possession. If caught with a butterfly knife in Louisiana, you could face legal consequences.

Is it legal to carry a butterfly knife in Texas?

No. They are illegal to possess. A butterfly knife is considered a switchblade under Texas law. A switchblade is a prohibited weapon.