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Q: Where can you find a picture of a cicada killer wasp?
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What is the cicada killer 's predators?

The Cicada Killer is a species of large wasp. The female stings a cicada to imobilize it. It then carries the cicada to a ground borrow where it then lays its eggs on the cicada. When the eggs hatch, the larva of the wasp utilize the body of the cicada for food.

Small yellow and black striped flying bug?

Cicada Killer or Mason Wasp

What is the Greek name for mantis?

Cicada Classical Greek , it was called a Greek tzitzikas both names being the cicada killer wasp and praying mantis.

Brown and yellow bugs the look like hornets but burrow in grounds?

This insect is called a cicada killer, a giant wasp that ranges from 20-40mm. The cicada killer paralyzes cicadas with it's stinger, sometimes in mid-flight, and drags the cicada down into it's burrow. It then lays it's eggs on the cicada, and it's larvae eat it.

What breed of wasp has a wide black stripe running down its back?

From your description, it sounds like either a Hornet or a Cicada Killer.

What kind of bee has a red back and digs holes in the ground?

I too have a large red bee with a red back that dug a hole in my lawn. I can't find any information about this insect.

What is a bee that is 3 times bigger than a yellow jacket?

The cicada wasp looks exactly like a yellow jacket. The one major feature of the cicada wasp that sets it apart from a yellow jacket is its size. The cicada wasp is as much as 4 times as big as a yellow jacket.

Are black wasp aggressive?

The black wasp is an aggressive bee. Another name for the black wasp is the cicada killer wasp. It is larger than other wasp, growing up to 2 inches long.

Which is the bug that attracts the female of the species by singing?

A bee or wasp

What insect looks like a very large wasp with a red front and black and yellow tail?

I think you are referring to a Cicada Killer Wasp. They feed on Cicada bugs and burrow/live in the ground. The females can sting but usually don't sting people. They use their stinger to paralyze the cicada bug. Males can't sting. I found one of these on the screen of my house window tonight ~ ick! I hope there aren't a lot of burrows in our yard!

What kind of wasp has green stripes and a black body?

The Cicada Wasp has a black body with blue wings. This wasp also features red and yellow stripes near its stinger.

How big is a Japanese Killer Wasp?

pretty big