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Wild Goldfish are found in the Yangtze river, but are very different from the domesticated goldfish. In the wild, goldfish can grow up to five feet long, and are reputed to live for hundreds of years.

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Q: Where can you find a wild goldfish?
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Related questions

How does the goldfish find and catch its food?

A goldfish uses smell to find their food whether they are in the wild, or an aquarium environment

What color wild goldfish?

Grey is the natural colour of the carp the goldfish was developed from.

Do goldfish come from the sea?

No, goldfish are freshwater fish. Any goldfish you buy in the store are tank bred and not wild caught.

How long do goldfish in the wild live?

Goldfish in the wild are thought to live around 40 years. They live around 30 years when held in captivity.

How do wild goldfish get there food?

They are just carp and they feed like every other wild fish

What color are goldfish in the wild?

Goldfish are available in more colors than just gold. In fact, there are goldfish that are colored yellow, red, bronze, blue and even black! What's more, some goldfish have a mixture of colors in their scales, with varying shades, hues, or colored shapes.

What do wild river goldfish eat?

gold fish flakes

What do wild goldfish eat?

Goldfish were breed to be pets, they have never lived in the wild. Some people do set them free into rivers and streams, they generally get parisites and fungal infections and do not survive long.

Can you release your goldfish into the wild?

No.The`ll Be Eaten Right Away.Dont Do It

What did Poirot find in the goldfish pond?

This is a literature question not a goldfish one.

How often do people see wild goldfish?

It depends but I am guessing not very often

Is the goldfish related to any wild animals?

Yes I believe they are related to carp.