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under rocks,in trees,in the woods or forest,on wooden logs,under rotten woods(they have to be big rotten woods).

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Q: Where can you find baby garter snakes?
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Related questions

How old are baby garter snakes when they can be on their own?

Baby garter snakes fend for themselves from the moment they are born.

What kind of bugs do baby garter snakes eat?

Baby garter snakes will eat small earthworms and live fish or tadpoles.

Is a baby garter snakes mouth black?


Do garter snakes eat baby bass?


Can baby garter snakes eat ants?

Garter snakes can eat ants but they are more common to eat other things

How many baby snakes do garter snakes have?

Garter snakes could have as little as three babies, or as many as 80. Some have given birth to 98 individuals at once!

What color are baby garter snakes?

No. Grass snakes usually have a yellowish or tan belly.

How do garter snakes get there prey?

how do garter snakes get there pray? well they actually get their pray with their eyes they have very good eyesight. but did u know that most baby snakes are born blind,well now you know. when garter snakes find there pray they wrap them around with there unsensible body's and once they are dead the snakes get vishes and eats the prat sacerfisely thats how they get there pray.

Can baby garter snakes eat potato bugs other bugs?

they can

Can a garter snake eat a lemur?

Garter snakes are not large enough to eat a lemur. Unless it was a baby lemur.

Can garter snakes eat baby bunnies?

No, bunnies are much too large for the average garter snake to swallow.

How do garter snakes get their nutrients?

Like all snakes garter snakes are predators. Garter snakes get their nutrients by eating small animals.