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a smoking condom?

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Q: Where can you find cigar shaped balloons?
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Related questions

Why are balloons round?

Balloons are not round; they are more pear-shaped. You can also get sausage-shaped balloons, but the shape is ultimately determined by the shape of the un-inflated rubber and its elasticity.

What is a Cigar shaped musical instrument?


What is sea mammal with a cigar shaped body a sea dog or a sea cow?

The "sea cow", more correctly known as the dugong, has a cigar-shaped body.

Are streamers and balloons appropriate bachelorette party supplies?

The great thing about bachelorette parties is that anything goes! Streamers and balloons are great basics. You can also find phallic shaped balloons and your local adult novelty store or online.

What balloon can fly higher round shaped balloons or long balloons?

Ask someone else.

What are cigar shaped depressions on the moon called?

they are called valleys

How do you describe an egg of a mosquito?

cigar shaped, but usually laid in a raft...

Why are hot air balloons spheres?

Hot air balloons are usually shaped like an egg because it is an easy to fold and inflate shape. However there are hot air balloons shaped like cartoon characters or advertising symbols. There are people that specialize in creating unique shapes for hot air balloons.

Where can one buy actual size human shaped balloons?

The store

Where can one buy actual-size human shaped balloons?

The store

Where can one find a cigar shop in Edmonton?

Researching to find a cigar shop in Edmonton has shown that there are a number of choices available. There are a wide range of listings on the Yelp website such as Humo Cigar Shop and Hav-A-Cigar.

Customized Balloons Get the Point Across?

Graduation ceremonies, birthdays, and surprise parties are all appropriate occasions for balloons. Balloons are an effective simple, inexpensive way to make the most of any festive event. A Customized balloons is a balloon that can be shaped or labeled to fit the desired occasion. Buying a heart-shaped balloon for valentine's day or a bunny-shaped balloon for easter is such an easy and creative way of expressing affection. Giant balloons that say Happy Birthday are more effective than birthday cards in getting the point across. Whatever the occasion, customized balloons can cater to the mood of any party.